CRisMac IRAC Norms
IRAC Norms Asset Classification
CRisMac IRAC Norms Asset Classification
CRisMac IRAC Norms runs risk computations based on external credit ratings and RBI’s defined risk weight factors after taking into consideration CRM (Credit Risk Mitigation) securities. Improvements for the method of IRB (Internal Risk Based) system is included for future adaptation of new modules.

The Central Bank (RBI) has introduced prudential norms for income recognition, asset classification, and provisioning for advance portfolios of Banks to move towards greater consistency and transparency in published accounts.
CRisMac IRAC Norms software helps in the classification of assets of Banks that has to be done on the basis of objective criteria to ensure a uniform and consistent application of the norms.
Our provisioning is on the basis of the classification of assets based on the period for which the asset has remained non-performing and the availability of security and the realisable value thereof. The software also simplifies the challenges arising from the diversity of different account types and norms.
Features of CRisMac IRAC Norms
CRisMac IRAC Norms is enabled to compute statutory provisions for performance and NPAs, and any change in provisioning rules by the RBI can be incorporated in the system with the least intervention.
CRisMac Basel II/III Risk Weight Analysis
BASEL II & III Risk Weight Calculation - The module conducts risk computations based on external credit ratings and RBI-defined Risk weight factors after taking into consideration of CRM (Credit Risk Mitigation) Securities.
Key Differentiators of CRisMac IRAC Norms
Our product provides a 360-degree lookout for important Regulatory Compliance factors –
Capital Charge Under Basel
Non-performing Asset (NPA) Integration
Collateral Management
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
NPA Integration Asset Classification
Prudential Write-Off
Standard Provisioning
Expected Credit Losses for IndAs

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