CRisMac Ind AS
IFRS Norms Report Automation
CRisMac INDAS Presentation
CRisMac INDAS Presentation automates data collection for IFRS reports for Indian Regulatory Compliance. As Ind AS 109 is not specific in terms of the approach to be followed when measuring expected credit losses, our systems offer automation with future-readiness.
We consider RBI’s expectations for Banks to adopt sound expected credit loss methodologies and craft systems according to size, complexity, and the risk profile specific to individual Banks.

Financial statements are a structured representation of the financial position and financial performance of an entity. The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance, and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.
Financial statements also show the results of the management’s stewardship of the resources entrusted to it. To meet this objective, financial statements provide information about an entity’s: (a) assets; (b) liabilities; (c) equity; (d) income and expenses, including gains and losses; (e) contributions by and distributions to owners in their capacity as owners; and (f) cash flows
Features of CRisMac INDAS Presentation
CRisMac INDAS Presentation runs Fair Value Computation and ETL Computation for accurate reporting.
Key Differentiators of CRisMac INDAS Presentation
The aim of accounting policy disclosures is to help your investors and other stakeholders to properly understand your financial statements. To make accounting policy disclosures, our software helps to –
• Disclose Solely Significant Accounting Policies – Analysis to identify non-significant disclosures, considering the materiality of the balances, transactions affected by the policy and other factors including the nature of the company’s operations.
• Articulate Key Estimates and Judgements – Effective disclosures about the most important estimates and judgements enable investors to understand your financial statements.
• Sensitivity Analysis for judgements along with sufficient background information to explain how the judgement was made and the conclusion reached.

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Introduce cloud implementation modules for cost-effective expansion of infrastructure and easy integration of new solutions.

Application Migration
Migrate data warehouses and applications onto modernized platforms for faster processes and comprehensive analytics.
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