Integrated Regulatory Reporting
CRisMac Automated Data Flow
CRisMac ADF automates reporting with future-ready systems for RBI’s outline for a framework of putting in place a Central Data Repository (CDR). Our system helps with the requirement of various layers of – data acquisition, data integration and storages, data conversion and validation and data submission.
Features of CRisMac ADF
Maintaining Accuracy and Integrity of Data Flowing from the Banking System
XBRL Reporting
EXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is a freely available global framework of accounting standards used for exchanging business information. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) initiated the idea of using XBRL in 2007 for the regulators in India. The Central Bank (RBI) mandates that financial institutions submit reporting in XBRL format. MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) & SEBI (Securities & Exchange board of India).
SLBC Reporting
CRisMac SLBC application enables business and IT teams of Banks to automate the manual and time-consuming SLBC reporting process at the Central level, thus providing standardized and validated reports across all States and Union Territories.
The CRisMac SLBC system has been designed, with an application of domain expertise, to generate fifty reports centrally which cover all Report data elements, hence reducing time to roll out and TCO.
Key Differentiators of CRisMac ADF
Banks are required, to ensure seamless flow of data from their transaction server to their management information system (MIS) server and automatically generate all returns from the MIS server, without any manual intervention. The benefits of deploying CRisMac ADF are –
Enhanced data quality and security.
Improved productivity and efficiency.
Faster submission process.
Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
An extensible platform for centralized MIS and Analytics.
Eliminating manual intervention so that incidences of human error are substantially reduced.
Ensure data integrity and accuracy and timely reporting.
To improve upon Bank's MIS and Decision Support Systems (DSS).

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Loan Default Predictive Analytics
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CRisMac Range of Solutions
Banking & Finance

Cloud Implementation
Introduce cloud implementation modules for cost-effective expansion of infrastructure and easy integration of new solutions.

Application Migration
Migrate data warehouses and applications onto modernized platforms for faster processes and comprehensive analytics.
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